The 5th Damocles Regiment
The Borderlands
The Damocles Gulf has been a frontier zone between the burgeoning Tau Empire and the Imperium of man for centuries, and more than once wars have flared over the region. However settlement continues, and both it and a number of border zones have become something of a loose mix of Tau and Human control, with many settlements of nebulous loyalties and unclear authority. It is from within this region that many developed worlds reside, enjoying limited autonomy as the great powers seek to counter each other.
To the Imperium it is Sub-Sector Damocles, officially abandoned by Imperial authorities. To the Tau Empire the region is considered to overlap the outskirts of the Sept’s of Ksi’,’yen and Fi’rios. However a handful of worlds in this region maintain independence by playing each side against each other, and maintaining nominal support of the higher authority. In a world where humans live under nominal control of two empires, they have learned to pay enough lip-service to keep themselves out of the eyes of Zealous inquisitors and overly curious Ethereals. This includes raising soldiers for both powers, ensuring other areas such as excessive taxation and military fortification are avoided for fear of upsetting the other.
Around the sun of Lahtrepar are several developed worlds representing the core of the borderlands region. They have the ability to travel to and trade with worlds deeper within the Imperium, while authorities cannot enforce the tithe system. They receive diplomats and engineers from the Tau empire, but can never stay long enough to enforce Tau doctrine without provoking an Imperial assault. These links do provide trade opportunities and autonomy. To keep it as such soldiers raised from these worlds serve in the PDF before units are seconded to armies of either Empire.
Gue’lassir’s Hunters
When the Fire Warriors last passed through in force for an Ork pacification campaign, a unit of troopers were equipped and forwarded to the Empire in a show of loyalty. Many of these men served as Auxiliary units along with warrior-cum-diplomat Gue’lassir. In the Tau military much skill was learned and they could represent the borderworlds as Human but stalwart in their part for greater good. Indeed, many did adopt aspects of the Tau philosophy, although never incorporating fully into their caste system, and hiding much of their internal workings, such as the presence of psykers, from Tau authorities.
Faith and Firepower
Ultimately upon returning to their homeworld many veterans were re-hired to sew experience into a new regiment being raised as a bone for the Imperium to feed their ever hungry wars. Volunteer veterans were placed as Officers and NCOs into a new regiment before being handed off to the Imperium. The official mustering parade took place 2 sub-sectors away to avoid Tau scrutiny. Unlike Tau hunter cadre’s, these men and women will never see their home again, being directed by the Munitorum to far-flung battlefields across the hard pressed eastern fringe of the Imperium. They did not forget their cultural roots however, and continue skills learned in their melding of imperial and tau battle doctrine. The faith and discipline of Imperial armies in their righteousness, and the Tau philosophy of superior firepower to carry them through war after war.
It is some years since their activation, and the 5th Damocles ‘Hunters’ Regiment is detached from their current crusade strike-force to reinforce a minor planet in the Palidas system to replace another unit rotating out. The soldiers of the regiment look forward to a well deserved break in some quiet garrison duty...
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