The Tantalus Campaign - Tantalus Prime
There are only a few cities on the surface of Tantalus, each fairly modest affairs, with barely a billion souls apiece. The largest of these cities is known to the locals as Tantalus Prime, although its official designation is Sector 23, Sub-Hive 11, Precinct Zeta-Thassius 3. Tantalus Prime is a sprawling plascrete jungle, a microcosm of humanity where the ruins of the older city vie with the soaring towers of a burgeoning metropolis. The outskirts of the city are ruined and overgrown, with larger structures springing up with increasing density as they approach the centre. Within the central segment of the city, the spires cluster together, reaching far into the sky. Visitors in recent years have seen the beginning of a new hive, as populations have begun to explode in the wake of the increased industrial activity. Here the dregs of humanity interact closely with the up-and-coming, the opulent and the despondent a hair's breadth apart. The sheer difference between...