The Renegade Knight known only as Nevermore is an imposing presence on a battlefield. The hulking, midnight-black behemoth often appears unbidden in the darkest hours of the night, surrounded by a swirling cloud of corvids. It is eerily silent until it begins to charge, at which point its laud-hailers begin to emit a deep, twisted mockery of a raven's cry, the mechanical cawing a twisted, unhinged laugh. The sound continues as it plows into the battle lines, cruel talons and whisper-quiet chainsaw tearing combatants on both sides asunder. The melee is accentuated by the echoing cries of its errant flock, the birds diving and swooping around the heads of the beleaguered infantry in a whirlwind of feathers, talons, and beaks. As quickly as it descends upon its prey, the shadowed monstrosity vanishes, leaving a trail of dead and dying, destroyed tanks, a few pitch-black feathers, and an echo of its cry. The origins of Nevermore are unclear, as are its loyalties. It serves no ...